
A. The annual tuition is $4,020.00 per year per student, plus a $200 per student curriculum fee.

  1. The $4,020.00 tuition is paid in twelve monthly payments of $335.00 beginning July through June.
  2. The curriculum fee of $200.00 is due at the time of registration and acceptance. It is non-refundable.
  3. A 3% discount will be given to all students whose tuition is paid in full prior to the first day of school in September.

B. Tuition Payment Policy

  1. All tuition payments will be made to FACTS, a company used by thousands of private schools in America to collect tuition payments.
  2. You will have the option of making tuition payments by either check or electronic fund transfer (EFT). You must pay an annual "account set up fee" to FACTS in the amount of $45 per family per year.
  3. A twenty-five ( $25 ) dollar late fee will be assessed for all delinquent payments.
  4. A $30 "returned payment fee" will be assessed by FACTS when a family misses a payment through the FACTS automatic bank draft or a check is returned by the bank.
  5. An inability to pay will necessitate a meeting with the school administration to determine the status of the student remaining in school.